alexx ekubo

  1. Naijafans

    Áfàméfùnà: An Nwa Boi Story

    Title: Áfàméfùnà: An Nwa Boi Story Genre: Drama Director: Kayode Kasum Cast: Jide Kene Achufusi, Segun Arinze, Eso Dike Okolocha, Alexx Ekubo, Noble Igwe, Chuks Joseph, Atlanta Bridget Johnson Release: 2023-11-06 Runtime: 125 Plot: In the heart of Nnewi in Anambra State, genial...
  2. Naijafans

    Gbomo Gbomo Express

    Title: Gbomo Gbomo Express Genre: Drama Director: Walter Taylaur Cast: Alexx Ekubo, Kenneth Okolie, Kiki Omeili, Blossom Chukwujekwu, Ramsey Nouah, Osas Ighodaro Release: 2015-05-05 Runtime: 97 Plot: A record label executive has a celebratory night out and meets a beautiful...
  3. Naijafans

    Lost in London

    Title: Lost in London Genre: Comedy Director: Sunkanmi Adebayo Cast: Alexx Ekubo, Ime Bishop Umoh, Stanley 'Funnybone' Chibunna, Ella Betts, Khafi Kareem Release: 2017-06-09 Runtime: 97 Plot: Lost in London is the hilarious tale of Okon and Bona, young students who get selected...
  4. Naijafans

    10 Days In Sun City

    Title: 10 Days In Sun City Genre: Comedy Director: Adze Ugah Cast: Adesua Etomi, Yvonne Jegede, Ayodeji Richard Makun, Richard Mofe-Damijo, Alexx Ekubo Release: 2017-06-24 Runtime: 90 Plot: A potpourri of love, drama, passion and culture, "10 Days in Sun City" is a comedy-drama...
  5. Naijafans

    The Blood Covenant

    Title: The Blood Covenant Genre: Drama, Thriller Director: Fiyin Gambo Cast: Williams Uzor Arukwe, Shalewa Ashafa, Tobi Bakre, Demi Banwo, Omowunmi Dada, Alexx Ekubo, Shawn Faqua, Chimezie Imo, Ufuoma McDermott, Erica Nlewedim Release: 2022-04-15 Runtime: 109 Plot: The film...
  6. Naijafans

    Hire a Woman

    Title: Hire a Woman Tagline: Movie Genre: Drama Director: Ifeanyi Ikpoenyi Cast: Uzor Arukwe, Grace-Charis Bassey, Alexx Ekubo, Ifu Ennada, Mike Godson, Taiwo Hassan, Nancy Isime, Erica Nlewedim, Bamike Olawunmi Release: 2019 Runtime: 109 Plot: A young man attends a college...
  7. Naijafans

    Your Excellency

    Title: Your Excellency Genre: Comedy Director: Funke Akindele Cast: Akin Lewis, Funke Akindele, Kemi Lala Akindoju, Shaffy Bello-Akinrimisi, Kunle Coker, Eku Edewor, Alexx Ekubo, Oreka Godis, Osas Ighodaro, Bimbo Manuel, Deyemi Okanlawon, Ini Dima-Okojie, Chigul Omeruah, Seyilaw, Toni...
  8. Naijafans

    The Bling Lagosians

    Title: The Bling Lagosians Genre: Drama Director: Bolanle Austen-Peters Cast: Bunmi Aboderin, Toyin Abraham, Tana Egbo-Adelana, Osas Ighodaro, Joyce Akabogu, Samuel Animashaun, ayolola ayoola, Aiyeola Bisola, Monalisa Chinda, Chris Okagbue, Alexx Ekubo, Inna Erinze, Justin Ezirim, Dele...
  9. Blond

    Alexx Ekubo and his model fiancée, Fancy Acholonu have unfollowed each other on Instagram

    Alexx Ekubo and his model fiancée, Fancy Acholonu have unfollowed each other on Instagram. The couple, who got engaged in May 2021, was set to wed in November 2021 but there have been speculations of a breakup after they stopped following each other and stopped posting about the upcoming...

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