During the eviction show, today in the ongoing BBNaija Season 7 show, one of the ex-housemate made a stunning appearance on the stage as she unveiled her plans for the show. Amaka who was evicted on Monday was introduced to the stage by Ebuka and she was asked about her journey in the house...
The organizers of Big Brother Naija, BBNaija season 7 have clarified the eviction of Amaka from the reality show.
Amaka and Doyin had six nominations from housemates during the nomination process.
However, Amaka was only evicted, which had fans querying the decision.
In a post via its...
adekunle amaka chizzy doyin hermes how amaka got evicted from bbnaija
Big Brother Naija season 7 housemate, Amaka, has been evicted from the show, following a nomination twist in the house on Monday evening.
Big Brother had asked all the housemates to nominate two fellow contestants for immediate eviction and Amaka got the highest nominations.
Biggie announced...
amaka bbnaija amaka bbnaija amaka has been evicted
BBNaija week 2 Monday live nomination show, both level 1 and level 2 housemates participated in the Head of House challenge except for the incumbent head of house – Eloswag, and the two new fake housemates – Deji and Modella, NaijaCover Reports.
Big Brother Naija level 1 housemate Hermes...
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