bisola aiyeola

  1. Naijafans

    A Simple Lie

    Title: A Simple Lie Genre: Comedy, Drama Director: Biodun Stephen Cast: Bukunmi Adeaga-Ilori, Bisola Aiyeola, Emmanuel Ikubese, Kachi Nnochiri, Blessing Jessica Obasi-Nze, Bolaji Ogunmola Release: 2022-07-07 Plot: When Boma tries to win back her ex by telling him that she has...
  2. Naijafans

    Let Karma

    Title: Let Karma Director: Biodun Stephen Cast: Ray Adeka, Bisola Aiyeola, Evelyn Bada, Blossom Chukwujekwu, Chucks Chyke, Daniel K. Daniel, Courage Akpaniko Edwart, Keira Hewatch Runtime: 90 Plot: Driven apart by the stresses of life, a husband and wife must face their changing...
  3. Naijafans


    Title: Dwindle Director: Dare Olaitan, Kayode Kasum Cast: Kayode Kasum, Lateef Adedimeji, Bisola Aiyeola, Funke Akindele, Uzor Arukwe, Demi Banwo Release: 2021-07-16 Runtime: 108 Plot: Dwindle is a film based on the story of Sogo and Buta, two friends who hijack a car and venture...
  4. Naijafans

    Ile Owo

    Title: Ile Owo Genre: Thriller Cast: Bukunmi Adeaga-Ilori, Ademola Adedoyin, Bisola Aiyeola Release: 2022-06-24 Plot: Busola has forever been unlucky with love. Pressured by society and her parents to tie the knot as a means to lift her family out of poverty, she finally meets Tunji...
  5. Naijafans

    Dinner at My Place

    Title: Dinner at My Place Tagline: Movie Genre: Comedy, Romance Director: Kevin Luther Apaa Cast: Bisola Aiyeola, Sophie Alakija, Timini Egbuson, Charles Etubiebi Release: 2022 Plot: A man sets out to propose to his Girlfriend over dinner just as his ex-girlfriend unexpectedly...
  6. Naijafans

    Breaded Life

    Title: Breaded Life Director: Biodun Stephen Cast: Lateef Adedimeji, Bimbo Ademoye, Dior Adiele, Bisola Aiyeola, Karen Ajimobi, Victor Akintunde Release: 2021-04-16 Plot: An irresponsible young man in conflict with his mother wakes up one day and to his surprise, no-one he knows can...
  7. Naijafans

    This Lady Called Life

    Title: This Lady Called Life Genre: Drama Director: Kayode Kasum Cast: Bisola Aiyeola, Efa Iwara, Jemima Osunde, Tina Mba, Lota Chukwu, Wale Ojo, Paul Utomi Release: 2020-05-15 Runtime: 120 Plot: Becoming a chef is Aiye’s greatest desire. But. She is a young, struggling, single...
  8. Naijafans

    Sugar Rush

    Title: Sugar Rush Genre: Drama, Comedy Director: Kayode Kasum Cast: Adesua Etomi, Bisola Aiyeola, Bimbo Ademoye, Williams Uchemba, Banky Wellington, Omoni Oboli Release: 2019-12-25 Runtime: 120 Plot: The Sugar Sisters discover a whopping $800,000, the financial crimes...

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