blossom chukwujekwu

  1. Naijafans

    D.O.D.: Day of Destiny

    Title: D.O.D.: Day of Destiny Genre: Science Fiction, Comedy Director: Akay Mason, Abosi Ogba Cast: Olumide Oworu, Denola Grey, Norbert Young, Toyin Abraham, Jide Kosoko, Blossom Chukwujekwu, Ini Dima-Okojie, Ireti Doyle, Broda Shaggi, Gbemi Akinlade, Deyemi Okanlawon, Tega Akpobome...
  2. Naijafans

    Sanitation Day

    Title: Sanitation Day Tagline: The perfect crime is not a crime... Genre: Thriller, Crime Director: Seyi Babatope Cast: Blossom Chukwujekwu, Elozanam Ogbolu, Charles Inojie, Nse Ikpe-Etim, Baaj Adebule, Chris Okagbue, Chuks Chyk, Belinda Effah, Olakunle Fawole, Adebayo Salami, Saeed...
  3. Naijafans


    Title: Unroyal Genre: Drama Director: Moses Inwang Cast: Matilda Lambert, IK Ogbonna, Prince Sontoye, Blossom Chukwujekwu, Linda Osifo, Emem Inwang, Pete Edochie, Shaffy Bello, Okon Imeh Bishop, Femi Adebayo Release: 2020-03-20 Runtime: 97 Plot: When a rude and arrogant...
  4. Naijafans

    Let Karma

    Title: Let Karma Director: Biodun Stephen Cast: Ray Adeka, Bisola Aiyeola, Evelyn Bada, Blossom Chukwujekwu, Chucks Chyke, Daniel K. Daniel, Courage Akpaniko Edwart, Keira Hewatch Runtime: 90 Plot: Driven apart by the stresses of life, a husband and wife must face their changing...
  5. Naijafans

    Gbomo Gbomo Express

    Title: Gbomo Gbomo Express Genre: Drama Director: Walter Taylaur Cast: Alexx Ekubo, Kenneth Okolie, Kiki Omeili, Blossom Chukwujekwu, Ramsey Nouah, Osas Ighodaro Release: 2015-05-05 Runtime: 97 Plot: A record label executive has a celebratory night out and meets a beautiful...
  6. Naijafans

    New Money

    Title: New Money Genre: Comedy Director: Tope Oshin Cast: Adeolu Adefarasin, Osas Ighodaro, Dakore Egbuson-Akande, Femi Branch, Blossom Chukwujekwu, Daniel Effiong, Wofai Fada, Falz, Bikiya Graham Douglas, Kate Henshaw-Nuttal, Kalu Ikeagwu, Wale Ojo, Yolanda Okereke, Jemima Osunde...
  7. Naijafans

    Finding Mercy

    Title: Finding Mercy Genre: Drama Director: Desmond Elliot Cast: Rita Dominic, Uti Nwachukwu, Dabota Lawson, Chioma Chukwuka Akpotha, Blossom Chukwujekwu Release: 2012-10-18 Runtime: 90 Plot: A pair of thugs break into what they believe to be an empty house and get more than...
  8. Naijafans

    Okafor's Law

    Title: Okafor's Law Genre: Drama, Comedy, Romance Director: Omoni Oboli Cast: Omoni Oboli, Richard Mofe-Damijo, Blossom Chukwujekwu, Yvonne Jegede, Tina Mba, Ufuoma McDermott, Toyin Aimakhu-Johnson, Ken Erics, Halimar Abubakar, Gabriel Afolayan, Mary Lazarus, Lala Akindoju Release...
  9. Naijafans

    Black Rose

    Title: Black Rose Genre: Drama Director: Okechukwu Oku Cast: Jide Kene Achufusi, Betty Bellor, Blossom Chukwujekwu, Austin Ezeh, Echelon Mbadiwe, Isaac Momoh, Martins Neboh, Ebele Okaro-Onyiuke, Emmanuel Okhakhu, Chibuike Oku Release: 2018-02-28 Runtime: 120 Plot: A virtuous...
  10. Naijafans

    The Millions

    Title: The Millions Genre: Drama Director: Tunde Apalowo Cast: Toyin Abraham, Blossom Chukwujekwu, Etinosa Idemudia, Ayo Makun, Chika Lann, Ramsey Nouah, Ali Nuhu, Broda Shaggi, Energy Uloko Release: 2019-08-30 Runtime: 94 Plot: THE MILLIONS tells a story of some con artists...
  11. Naijafans


    Title: Òlòtūré Tagline: Her quest to expose the truth takes her to the verge of no return Genre: Drama, Crime Director: Kenneth Gyang Cast: Ada Ameh, Beverly Osu, Blossom Chukwujekwu, Bukola Oladipupo, Daniel Etim Effiong, David Jones David, Emmanuel Ilemobayo, Eunice Omorogie...

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