jim iyke

  1. Naijafans

    Last Flight to Abuja

    Title: Last Flight to Abuja Genre: Action Director: Obi Emelonye Cast: Hakeem Kae-Kazim, Jim Iyke, Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde, Anthony Monjaro Release: 2012-06-29 Runtime: 81 Plot: Mid-air difficulties force a Nigerian commercial plane into an emergency landing with devastating...
  2. Naijafans


    Title: Stalker Genre: Drama, Romance Director: Moses Inwang Cast: Caroline Danjuma, Nse Ikpe-Etim, Enem Inwang, Jim Iyke, Ayo Makun, Omawunmi Megbele, Anthony Monjaro, Eniola 'Niyola' Akinbo Release: 2016-02-26 Runtime: 109 Plot: A fashion stylist finds herself being stalked by...
  3. Naijafans

    The Set Up

    Title: The Set Up Genre: Drama, Crime Director: Niyi Akinmolayan Cast: Adesua Etomi-Wellington, Jim Iyke, Dakore Egbuson-Akande, Tina Mba, Joke Silva, Kehinde Bankole, Williams Uzor Arukwe, Ayoola Ayoola Release: 2019-08-09 Runtime: 103 Plot: A young woman gets more than she...
  4. Naijafans

    Merry Men 2: Another Mission

    Title: Merry Men 2: Another Mission Genre: Action, Comedy Director: Moses Inwang Cast: Damilola Adegbite, Alex Asogwa, Regina Daniels, Iretiola Doyle, Jim Iyke, Ramsey Nouah, Falz Release: 2019-12-20 Runtime: 114 Plot: Four men have stopped robbing the rich to give to the poor...
  5. Naijafans

    Merry Men: The Real Yoruba Demons

    Title: Merry Men: The Real Yoruba Demons Genre: Comedy Director: Toka Mcbaror Cast: Damilola Adegbite, Osas Ighodaro, Fathia Balogun, Iretiola Doyle, Lilian Esoro, Falz, Nancy Isime, Jim Iyke, Jide Kosoko, Ayo Makun, Rosaline Meurer, Richard Mofe-Damijo Release: 2018-09-28...
  6. Naijafans

    7 Nigerian Celebrities that are not known by thier original name

    1. Frank Donga Nigerian actor and comedian, Frank Donga who attained popularity after starring in the popular webseries The Interview on Ndani TV is one actor who goes by a completely different stage name in comparison to his real name. Frank's real name is Kunle Idowu. I know right? So...
  7. Parrot

    Nollywood actor, Jim Iyke, has revealed his preference between music super stars, Davido and Wizkid.

    Veteran Nollywood actor, Jim Iyke, has revealed his preference between music super stars, Davido and Wizkid. The actor noted that it was not an easy feat for one to be so hard working like Davido even when they come from a wealthy family. Jim Iyke said this during a conversation with Nigerian...

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