lateef adedimeji

  1. SHE Must Be Obeyed

    Title: SHE Must Be Obeyed Genre: Drama Cast: Funke Akindele, Lateef Adedimeji, Nancy Isime, Akah Anani, Patience Ozokwor, Mike Ezuronye, Rachael Okonkwo First aired: 2023-09-28 Overview: The story of Victoria's insatiable ambition to rise in the entertainment industry following her...
  2. Naijafans

    Jagun Jagun: The Warrior

    Title: Jagun Jagun: The Warrior Genre: Action, Drama Director: Tope Adebayo, Adebayo Tijani Cast: Femi Adebayo, Lateef Adedimeji, Odunlade Adekola, Ibrahim Yekini Itele, Bukunmi Oluwashina, Adebayo Salami, Fathia Balogun, Yinka Quadri, Debo Adebayo, Adebowale Adedayo, Muyiwa Ademola...
  3. Naijafans


    Title: Strangers Genre: Drama Director: Biodun Stephen Cast: Lateef Adedimeji, Bimbo Oshin, Bolaji Ogunmola, Chris Iheuwa, Nonso Odogwu, Debby Felix Release: 2022-04-29 Runtime: 118 Plot: In a story based on real events, a boy deals with disease and despair in a remote Nigerian...
  4. Naijafans

    The Griot

    Title: The Griot Genre: Drama Director: Adeoluwa Owu Cast: Abimbola Adebajo, Lateef Adedimeji, Yewande Adekoya, Funso Adeolu, Kunle Afod, Opeyemi Dada Release: 2021-11-09 Plot: A shy but skilled storyteller comes to blows with his best friend who tries to take credit for his tales...
  5. Naijafans


    Title: Soólè Director: Kayode Kasum Cast: Adunni Ade, Lateef Adedimeji, Mike Afolarin, Busola Akeeb, Teniola Aladese, Saidi Balogun, Soibifaa Dokubo, Shawn Faqua Release: 2021 Plot: A group of travellers on a bus journey home for Christmas find themselves entangled in a cat-and-mouse...
  6. Naijafans


    Title: Dwindle Director: Dare Olaitan, Kayode Kasum Cast: Kayode Kasum, Lateef Adedimeji, Bisola Aiyeola, Funke Akindele, Uzor Arukwe, Demi Banwo Release: 2021-07-16 Runtime: 108 Plot: Dwindle is a film based on the story of Sogo and Buta, two friends who hijack a car and venture...
  7. Naijafans

    King Of Thieves

    Title: King Of Thieves Genre: Action, Drama, Fantasy Director: Tope Adebayo, Adebayo Tijani Cast: Femi Adebayo, Odunlade Adekola, Toyin Abraham, Azeez adebowale, Lateef Adedimeji, Odunlade adekola, Toyosin adesanya, Testimony adetunji, Kazeem afolabi, Bosin Akinola, Wale Akorede, Bukky...
  8. Naijafans

    Breaded Life

    Title: Breaded Life Director: Biodun Stephen Cast: Lateef Adedimeji, Bimbo Ademoye, Dior Adiele, Bisola Aiyeola, Karen Ajimobi, Victor Akintunde Release: 2021-04-16 Plot: An irresponsible young man in conflict with his mother wakes up one day and to his surprise, no-one he knows can...
  9. Naijafans

    A Naija Christmas

    Title: A Naija Christmas Genre: Comedy, Romance Director: Kunle Afolayan Cast: Rachel Oniga, Kunle Remi, Segilola Ogidan, Efa Iwara, Linda Osifo, alvin abayomi, Mercy Johnson Okojie, Ade Laoye, Carol King, Lateef Adedimeji, Uzoamaka Aniunoh, Jude Chukwuka Release: 2021-12-16...
  10. Naijafans

    Esin "Religion" Part 1 | 2022 Nollywood Movie | Femi Adebayo | Lateef Adedimeji | Muyiwa Ademola

    Esin "Religion" Part 1 | 2022 Nollywood Movie | Femi Adebayo | Lateef Adedimeji | Muyiwa Ademola Esin is a Nollywood movie that depicts, the emergence of a new set of believers that combine the Traditional to Christianity and Islam to confuse many people in what is called FACHRISLAM! Femi...
  11. Naijablog

    Alajota Latest Yoruba Movie 2021 Drama Starring Lateef Adedimeji | Tope Osoba | Shoneye Olamilekan

    Irewamiri enjoys dancing as a hobby and also as a profession. Just when she gets her big push in her career, she's faced with a life threatening situation with two options to choose. Find out more. This movie features Lateef Adedimeji, Tope Osoba, Ladi Folarin, Shoneye Olamilekan, Okele, Abiola...

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