Title: Being Mrs Elliot
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Director: Omoni Oboli
Cast: Omoni Oboli, Ayo Makun, Majid Michel
Release: 2014-09-05
Runtime: 113
Plot: When a scorned wife from the city shares a cab with a troubled villager, a fiery accident forces them to live out each other's...
ayo makun being mrs elliot majidmichel omoni oboli
Title: House of Gold
Genre: Drama
Director: Pascal Amanfo
Cast: Francis Odega, Majid Michel, Yvonne Nelson, Luckie Lawson, Eddie Watson, Ice Prince (Panshak Zamani)
Release: 2013-08-29
Runtime: 126
Plot: Half siblings with the same father are called to his home to be informed...
eddie watson francis odega house of gold movie ice prince (panshak zamani) luckie lawson majidmichel yvonne nelson
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