nancy isime

  1. SHE Must Be Obeyed

    Title: SHE Must Be Obeyed Genre: Drama Cast: Funke Akindele, Lateef Adedimeji, Nancy Isime, Akah Anani, Patience Ozokwor, Mike Ezuronye, Rachael Okonkwo First aired: 2023-09-28 Overview: The story of Victoria's insatiable ambition to rise in the entertainment industry following her...
  2. Naijafans

    The Razz Guy

    Title: The Razz Guy Genre: Comedy Director: Udoka Oyeka Cast: Lasisi Elenu, Nancy Isime, Omotunde Adebowale David, Shalewa Ashafa, Frank Donga, Iretiola Doyle, Imoh Eboh, Udoka Oyeka Release: 2021-03-19 Runtime: 99 Plot: When an international business merger is assigned to a...
  3. Naijafans

    The Set Up 2

    Title: The Set Up 2 Director: Chinaza Onuzo Cast: Lilian Afegbai, Uzor Arukwe, Kehinde Bankole, Lota Chukwu, Adesua Etomi-Wellington, Kate Henshaw-Nuttal, Nancy Isime, Tina Mba, Stan Nze, Tope Olowoniyan Release: 2022-08-12 Plot: Four years later Chike has barely come to terms with...
  4. Naijafans

    Lagos to Oslo

    Title: Lagos to Oslo Director: Kingsley Emmanuel Cast: Michael Maponga, Richard van Weyden, Anthony Warren, Ama K. Abebrese, Hildegard Schroedter, Börje Lundberg, Inga Holth, Jannike Grut, Nancy Isime, Marius Skymoen, David Dontoh, Mathilde Austegard Ypsøy, Akofa Edjeani Asiedu, Yohanna...
  5. Naijafans

    Hire a Woman

    Title: Hire a Woman Tagline: Movie Genre: Drama Director: Ifeanyi Ikpoenyi Cast: Uzor Arukwe, Grace-Charis Bassey, Alexx Ekubo, Ifu Ennada, Mike Godson, Taiwo Hassan, Nancy Isime, Erica Nlewedim, Bamike Olawunmi Release: 2019 Runtime: 109 Plot: A young man attends a college...
  6. Naijafans

    Living in Bondage: Breaking Free

    Title: Living in Bondage: Breaking Free Genre: Drama, Fantasy Director: Ramsey Nouah Cast: Ramsey Nouah, Kanayo O. Kanayo, Swanky J.K.A., Kenneth Okonkwo, Enyinna Nwigwe, Shawn Faqua, Munachi Abii, Nancy Isime, Bob-Manuel Udokwu Release: 2019-11-08 Runtime: 140 Plot: Nnamdi...
  7. Naijafans

    Kambili: The Whole 30 Yards

    Title: Kambili: The Whole 30 Yards Genre: Comedy, Romance Director: Kayode Kasum Cast: Nancy Isime, Mawuli Gavor, Jide Kene Achufusi Release: 2021-06-18 Runtime: 140 Plot: Kambili Maduka, is an irresponsible, spoiled, spendthrift 28-year-old woman who is turning 29 in a few...
  8. Naijafans

    Merry Men: The Real Yoruba Demons

    Title: Merry Men: The Real Yoruba Demons Genre: Comedy Director: Toka Mcbaror Cast: Damilola Adegbite, Osas Ighodaro, Fathia Balogun, Iretiola Doyle, Lilian Esoro, Falz, Nancy Isime, Jim Iyke, Jide Kosoko, Ayo Makun, Rosaline Meurer, Richard Mofe-Damijo Release: 2018-09-28...
  9. Blood Sisters

    Title: Blood Sisters Genre: Crime, Drama Creator: Temidayo Makanjuola Cast: Ini Dima-Okojie, Nancy Isime, Kate Henshaw-Nuttal, Ramsey Nouah, Gabriel Afolayan, Kehinde Bankole, Toyin Abraham, Seun Ajayi, Segun Arinze First aired: 2022-05-05 Overview: Connected by a dangerous...
  10. Delicious

    Nancy Isime says she had suicidal thoughts, felt I’ll die before 30

    Popular media personality, Nancy Isime has revealed that she was suicidal while growing up. Isime said this on her Instagram page while celebrating her 30th birthday. According to her, she suffered depression and was suicidal at a young age which made her believe she would take her life before...

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