Title: Shanty Town
Genre: Crime, Drama
Cast: Richard Mofe-Damijo, Sola Sobowale, Nse Ikpe-Etim, Lilian Afegbai, Toyin Abraham, Ini Edo, Ali Nuhu, Chidi Mokeme, Peter Okoye, Zubby Michael, Shaffy Bello, Uche Jombo, Regina Daniels, Mercy Eke
First aired: 2023-01-20
Overview: A group of...
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Title: My Village People
Director: Niyi Akinmolayan
Cast: Ada Ameh, Akah Nnani, Venita Akpofure, Sophie Alakija, Bovi Ugboma, Nkem Owoh, Rachael Oniga, Theresa Edem, Charles Inojie, Akah Nnani, Zubby Michael, Binta Ayo Mogaji, Amaechi Muonagor, Venita Akpofure, Francis Sule
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The official music video starred some of our favorite Nollywood actors & notable Igbo public figures; Kanayo O. Kanayo, Cubana Chiefpriest, Yul Edochie, Zubby Michael and many others.
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