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Free SEO tools for your websites.

Google Analytics​

Google Analytics is one of the most essential free SEO tool that is present out there. No other tools can provide you with such detailed and high-quality information like it. This tool will enable an individual to have a better understanding of your visitors and the way they interact on the website. Moreover, there are numerous resources from Google itself that will enable a person to learn using Google Analytics. It is impossible to ignore Google Analytics from any SEO tool list. All the vital data about traffic, site visitors are provided by this source.

Google Keyword Planner​

Another free SEO tool from Google! In short, Google Keyword Planner is the best way to research keywords. Keyword tool and Traffic estimator have made the process of planning search campaigns an easier one.

In order to use Google Keyword Planner, you need to have a Google Adwords account. Then, go to Tools and then Keyword Planner.

The main focus of the tool is on AdWords generation and not on simple organic keyword research. This is one of the foremost keyword research tools and no other tool can match up with the keyword research that is done by this tool.

Google Trends​

It is really important for marketers to predict the trends that are going on in the industry. By knowing where the market is heading towards it will prove to be quite advantageous. In achieving this Google Trends plays an important role. As the name suggests, this tool will showcase the changes in the search volumes for different search items, topics, and terms. By utilizing this tool, you will be able to keep your content fresh and always stay ahead of your competitors. With regard to search marketing, it is necessary to analyze the search query behavior.


Moz is a collection of marketing tools that provide all the important information in a nutshell. There are some free SEO tools that are quite useful like the Open Site Explorer which is a backlink analysis tool that provides helpful metrics similar to link equity. Another useful tool is the Mozbar which is basically a browser toolbar that brings all the key features of Moz on the present page. Mozbar will display all the right sets of information that too at a glance.

Bing Webmaster Tools (BWT)​

Bing Webmaster Tools is a good way to keep a check on how a particular web site is working on the search engine ‘Bing’. After Google, Bing has approximately close to 20% of the total Internet traffic. This tool is not only exclusive to Bing as it offers some other benefits that are not related to Bing. These include providing insights into indexation, crawling, on-page keyword optimization, and all the other important elements that will have an impact on the performance in Google.

Keyword Tool​ is a free and great tool that can help you do keyword research in a fast and effective way. In a very quick manner, the tool will provide you with a variety of keyword ideas. One feature that makes this tool stand out is that it can be used for Google, Bing, YouTube, Amazon, and the keywords used on the App Store. One aspect which sets it apart from Google Keyword Planner is that the tool can search for long-tail keywords.


Page load speeds have a great impact on SEO which makes it vital to manage the load speed of a website. In order to make this task simple, there is a tool called GTMetrix that will examine the load speed of a page for you. It will also diagnose the issues and suggest some solutions for improvement. All these are very beneficial as these will help you in making your website better. There are other tools that exist, however, the user-friendliness that GTMetrix provides is unmatchable.

If you’re using WordPress, see how to speed up WordPress.


Woorank is a website analyzer just like any other tool, however, it possesses some features which give useful insights to information that is not easily available. Analyzing a website and generating a report can be done in a matter of a few seconds. One outstanding feature that makes this tool great is the mobile section. Only a few free SEO tools will cater to such level of perspective and data. Keeping in mind the current marketing trend this feature of mobile optimization is a critical one.

Ahrefs Backlink Checker​

Ahrefs Backlink Checker
Ahrefs Backlink Checker is a free backlink tool from the very popular SEO service Ahrefs. As you might know, Ahrefs is the leading service in tracking backlinks and keywords for SEO. Apart from their premium services, they also have a free tool for checking backlinks of any website. Although it’s free, it’s many features:

  • Shows the top 100 backlinks for any domain or URL with Anchor text + context;
  • Domain rating, URL rating, Referring Domains and Backlinks counts and even Traffic estimate;
  • Top 5 anchors;
  • Top 5 pages by backlinks.

Seo Tools Apps

seotoolsapp website.JPG

SEOTOOLSAPPS.COM provide you with over 50 SEO tools that will be useful for your website optimization and overall data evaluation and here are their top five favorites based on our website user ease of use, reliability, data quality, and overall value to us as an SEO analyst in 2016: Backlinks Generator SEO tools, Article Rewriter SEO tools, Keywords Suggestion SEO tools, Link Price CalculatorSEO tools, Check PlagiarismSEO tools among other over 50 useful SEO tools.


Bonus: WordPress SEO plugins and SEO-friendly themes​

Using SEO tools is not enough if you want to have high rankings on search engines. You should have extraordinary content and optimize it for the search engines. It is on-site SEO, which plays an important role in the success of your business.

Luckily, WordPress is SEO-friendly and probably the most friendly CMS available for free. Using WordPress, you can install a lot of free SEO plugins such as Yoast SEO, AIO SEO Pack, or Slim SEO. They can help you optimize post titles, generate meta tags for search engines, social networks, and a lot more. You definitely should always have at least one of these plugins activated for your WordPress websites.

Last but not least, WordPress themes also play an important role in SEO. Simply because they output the content. They need to output in the correct way that the search engine recommends. It’s worth mentioning that our premium WordPress themes are optimized for this and you will have higher rankings than a non-SEO-optimized WordPress theme.



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In today's competitive digital landscape, optimizing your website for search engines is crucial for improving visibility and driving organic traffic. With the help of some powerful free SEO tools, you can enhance your website's performance and outshine the competition. Maven Technology, a trusted Digital Marketing Agency, offers invaluable insights and solutions for your website optimization needs.
Here, we present a list of the best free SEO tools that can help you achieve your goals.
Google Analytics: Google Analytics is a must-have tool for monitoring website performance. It provides valuable data on user behavior, traffic sources, and conversion rates, enabling you to make informed decisions and refine your digital marketing strategies.
Google Search Console: Google Search Console helps you monitor your website's visibility in Google search results. You can track your indexing status, optimize your content, and fix any issues affecting your website's search performance.
Moz Link Explorer: Moz Link Explorer is an excellent tool for analyzing backlinks. It allows you to assess the quality of your website's backlink profile, identify link-building opportunities, and track your competitors' link strategies.
Yoast SEO: Yoast SEO is a popular WordPress plugin that offers on-page optimization guidance. It helps you optimize meta tags, generate XML sitemaps, and improve content readability, ensuring that your website is SEO-friendly.
Ubersuggest: Ubersuggest is a comprehensive SEO tool that provides keyword research, content ideas, and competitor analysis. It helps you discover relevant keywords for your digital marketing strategies and offers insights into your competitors' strategies.

As you strive to enhance your website's SEO performance, utilizing the best free SEO tools becomes paramount. Maven Technology, a renowned Digital Marketing Agency in India, has experienced with several international brands. We could help you provide expert guidance and superior digital marketing services to optimize your website effectively. With these free tools and Maven Technology's expertise, you can boost your digital presence, attract targeted traffic, and achieve long-term success in the competitive online landscape. Join us on call to acquire the most affordable SEO service in your business.

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