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- Today 8:08 PM
- NaijaCash
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Have you ever sat in a restaurant and looked around? Of course not, the last time you were in a restaurant you were busy looking at your phone. But if you had, you would have seen a bunch of other people who were doing the same thing. A room full of people, all sitting at tables with presumably other people they know and have some level of affection for, staring at an illuminated screen.
Technology has made the world smaller in many ways, by bringing us access to the world--in a device that fits in our pocket. Also, I wouldn't publish very many articles if I had to travel to New York to hand them over to an editor in person. Technology has certainly made this part of my job easier. But it has also increased the space in our relationships to the point where we don't talk, we Slack.
Maybe the first step is simply to recognize that the more we surround ourselves with smart technology, the more dependent we become. Digital conversations are very different than real-world conversations. When smart technology helps remove barriers to communication, that's a good thing. But when we substitute technology for relationships and real conversations, it has real-world consequences.
Technology has certainly changed the way we work, but I think we should pay attention to how it is changing us because I'm not sure it's actually making us more productive.