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What is Reddit?​

Reddit is an American discussion website where users can submit content such as images, text posts, links, and other formats, which are then voted up or down by other members of the forum.
Below, we'll go over how you, a marketer, can take advantage of these numbers.

1. Sign up for Reddit​

If you haven't done this already, there's no better time than the present. If you're working with a team of marketers, consider creating a group of usernames that all have the company name and something to identify each individual within that name. For example, G2daniella, G2ryan, G2rob, and so on.
If you're the only marketer for your company, or you'd like a single account, name it after the company or business you're representing. If that username is taken, try to get creative with what you have. Usernames that may work for us could be G2, G2dotcom, G_2, and so on.

2. Find your community to market to​

Sharing on Reddit is different than other types of social media marketing in that you'll have millions of audiences to choose from: your subreddits of choice. Target subreddits that are talking about your product or service, your competitors, or topics of interest to your company such as your values.
Keep a list of these subreddits so that your team can continue to add to it. Make sure that you all are aware of the rules of each of the communities – some subreddits may allow for things that others will penalize you for.

3. Know how to market on Reddit​

Marketing to a community on Reddit should be done subtly. Posting something just to advertise your three hundred dollar product isn't going to earn you any upvotes or karma any time soon. That's what Reddit ads are for.
Learn more: Reddit Ads →

Instead, if you come across a question regarding how to start an e-commerce store, don't directly promote your services. Offer authentic insight and advice, and be real about it.

Remember that it's more than okay to leave comments and replies that aren't related to your product or service. In fact, that's encouraged. Some users may check your profile, and if they do, you want seem natural.

4. Remain active​

This may seem like a silly piece of advice, but all too often, accounts are forgotten. If you want to be successful on Reddit, make yourself present, and remain that way.

What are some ways marketers can remain active? How about asking questions, sharing links, telling stories. Anything to get a conversation rolling.

Ask questions and share links or news – in other words, do anything to stir up a conversation. Make sure that the content you're sharing and replying with is appropriate for the subreddits you're participating in.

5. Create your product’s subreddit​

If you're looking to build a little product or brand awareness, Reddit just might be the place to do it. And creating a subreddit is definitely the way to go.

If your company is a startup, for example, your subreddit could be a great place to share the most recent product updates, rebrand news, and answer questions that customers or prospects may have.

TIP: See an example subreddit for X-Cart, which includes the company logo, color, and posts.

6. Find your community to market with

While Reddit has a ton of communities, the platform can also be utilized for networking, advice, and feedback. Marketing on Reddit isn't so easy, and this short guide is nowhere near the be-all, end-all. Luckily, Reddit is full of extremely experienced and intelligent people who are trying to achieve the same goals you are. It's just a matter of finding them.

Here are some subreddits that might be a good place to start:

SEO subreddits​

Blogging subreddits​

Social media marketing subreddits​

Startups, entrepreneurs, and small business subreddits​

Additional marketing subreddits​

Know the golden rule: Redditors first​

Here's the truth: Redditors don't like being marketed and advertised to. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try. Instead of going about this process with metrics in mind, go about it with humans in mind, and remember their experience is the most important. There's a person behind every one of those usernames that might be interested in learning a little more about your business and your product.

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