deyemi okanlawon

  1. Naijafans

    The Wait

    Title: The Wait Genre: Drama Director: Fiyin Gambo, Yemi Morafa Cast: Nse Ikpe-Etim, Deyemi Okanlawon, Jimmy Odukoya Release: 2021-04-30
  2. Naijafans

    D.O.D.: Day of Destiny

    Title: D.O.D.: Day of Destiny Genre: Science Fiction, Comedy Director: Akay Mason, Abosi Ogba Cast: Olumide Oworu, Denola Grey, Norbert Young, Toyin Abraham, Jide Kosoko, Blossom Chukwujekwu, Ini Dima-Okojie, Ireti Doyle, Broda Shaggi, Gbemi Akinlade, Deyemi Okanlawon, Tega Akpobome...
  3. Naijafans


    Title: Prophetess Genre: Comedy, Drama Director: Niyi Akinmolayan Cast: Toyin Abraham, Deyemi Okanlawon, Kehinde Bankole, Stan Nze, Uzor rukwe, Kunle Remi Release: 2021-04-02 Runtime: 141 Plot: Ajoke, a local prophetess, makes a bogus prediction about a football match which...
  4. Naijafans

    Elesin Oba: The King's Horseman

    Title: Elesin Oba: The King's Horseman Genre: Drama Director: Biyi Bandele Cast: Odunlade Adekola, Shaffy Bello, Olawale-Brymo Olofooro, Deyemi Okanlawon, Omowunmi Dada, Jide Kosoko, Mark Elderkin, Jenny Stead, Langley Kirkwood, Fares Boulos, Kevin Ushi, Drikus Volschenk, Taiwo...
  5. Naijafans

    2 Weeks in Lagos

    Title: 2 Weeks in Lagos Genre: Romance, Drama, Comedy Director: Kathryn Fasegha Cast: Beverly Naya, Mawuli Gavor, Okey Uzoeshi, Efe Irele, Deyemi Okanlawon, Shaffy Bello-Akinrimisi, Jide Kosoko Release: 2021-02-14 Runtime: 115 Plot: 2 Weeks in Lagos is a turbulent and thrilling...
  6. Naijafans

    The Diary of A Crazy Nigerian Woman

    Title: The Diary of A Crazy Nigerian Woman Genre: Drama Director: Desmond Elliot, Austine Nwaolie Cast: Abiola Segun Williams, Deyemi Okanlawon, Chioma Nwosu, Enado Odigie, Bimbo Ademoye, Jimmy Odukoya Release: 2017-05-03 Runtime: 104 Plot: Emeka lost his job on account of his...
  7. Naijafans

    Your Excellency

    Title: Your Excellency Genre: Comedy Director: Funke Akindele Cast: Akin Lewis, Funke Akindele, Kemi Lala Akindoju, Shaffy Bello-Akinrimisi, Kunle Coker, Eku Edewor, Alexx Ekubo, Oreka Godis, Osas Ighodaro, Bimbo Manuel, Deyemi Okanlawon, Ini Dima-Okojie, Chigul Omeruah, Seyilaw, Toni...
  8. Naijafans


    Title: Swallow Genre: Drama, History, Thriller, Crime Director: Kunle Afolayan Cast: Chioma Chukwuka Akpotha, Deyemi Okanlawon, Eniola 'Niyola' Akinbo, Ijeoma Grace Agu, Eniola Badmus, Kelvin Ikeduba, Offiong Edet, Mercy Aigbe, Olusegun Akinremi, Omotunde Adebowale David, Frank Donga...
  9. Naijafans

    The Royal Hibiscus Hotel

    Title: The Royal Hibiscus Hotel Tagline: Passion can take you far but love will bring you home Genre: Romance, Comedy Director: Ishaya Bako Cast: Zainab Balogun, Kenneth Okolie, Jide Kosoko, Rachel Oniga, Deyemi Okanlawon, Kemi Lala Akindoju, Joke Silva, Olu Jacobs, Ini Dima-Okojie...
  10. Delicious

    Kemi Adetiba shared the trials she endured during the production of the movie King of Boys 2

    The film director revealed she began filming the anticipated sequel six weeks after a seven-month battle with an unnamed ailment. 'King of Boys 2' is finally coming to fans soon with a new poster currently making the rounds. Reacting to the newly released teaser poster, director Kemi Adetiba...

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