funke akindele

  1. Naijafans

    A Tribe Called Judah

    Title: A Tribe Called Judah Genre: Comedy, Crime Director: Funke Akindele, Adeoluwa Owu Cast: Funke Akindele, Jide Kene Achufusi, Timini Egbuson, Uzee Usman, Tobi Makinde, Olumide Oworu, Ebele Okaro-Onyiuke, Uzor Arukwe, Nse Ikpe-Etim, Genoveva Umeh, Fathia Williams Balogun, Yvonne...
  2. SHE Must Be Obeyed

    Title: SHE Must Be Obeyed Genre: Drama Cast: Funke Akindele, Lateef Adedimeji, Nancy Isime, Akah Anani, Patience Ozokwor, Mike Ezuronye, Rachael Okonkwo First aired: 2023-09-28 Overview: The story of Victoria's insatiable ambition to rise in the entertainment industry following her...
  3. Naijafans

    Battle on Buka Street

    Title: Battle on Buka Street Genre: Comedy Director: Funke Akindele, Tobi Makinde Cast: Bimbo Ademoye, Funke Akindele, Tina Mba, Mercy Johnson Okojie, Nkem Owoh, Sola Sobowale Release: 2022-12-16 Runtime: 140 Plot: After a lifetime of rivalry, two women find themselves at...
  4. Naijafans

    Moms at War

    Title: Moms at War Genre: Comedy Director: Omoni Oboli Cast: Omoni Oboli, alvin abayomi, Funke Akindele, Ayodeji Richard Makun, Michelle Dede, Yul Edochie Release: 2018-08-17 Plot: "Moms at War" is about two mothers who live in the same neighborhood, but hate each other. One felt...
  5. Naijafans


    Title: Dwindle Director: Dare Olaitan, Kayode Kasum Cast: Kayode Kasum, Lateef Adedimeji, Bisola Aiyeola, Funke Akindele, Uzor Arukwe, Demi Banwo Release: 2021-07-16 Runtime: 108 Plot: Dwindle is a film based on the story of Sogo and Buta, two friends who hijack a car and venture...
  6. Naijafans

    Your Excellency

    Title: Your Excellency Genre: Comedy Director: Funke Akindele Cast: Akin Lewis, Funke Akindele, Kemi Lala Akindoju, Shaffy Bello-Akinrimisi, Kunle Coker, Eku Edewor, Alexx Ekubo, Oreka Godis, Osas Ighodaro, Bimbo Manuel, Deyemi Okanlawon, Ini Dima-Okojie, Chigul Omeruah, Seyilaw, Toni...
  7. Naijafans

    Omo Ghetto: The Saga

    Title: Omo Ghetto: The Saga Genre: Comedy Director: Funke Akindele Cast: Funke Akindele, Chioma Chukwuka Akpotha, Eniola Badmus, Bimbo Thomas, Akah Nnani Release: 2020-12-25 Runtime: 110 Plot: Omo Ghetto (Child of the Ghetto) franchise tells the story of twin sisters leading...
  8. Naijafans

    Chief Daddy 2: Going for Broke

    Title: Chief Daddy 2: Going for Broke Genre: Comedy Director: Niyi Akinmolayan Cast: Shaffy Bello-Akinrimisi, Funke Akindele, Joke Silva, Kate Henshaw-Nuttal, Rahama Sadau, Mawuli Gavor, Beverly Naya, Falz, Linda Ejiofor, Beverly Osu, Broda Shaggi, Williams Uzor Arukwe, Zainab Balogun...
  9. Naijafans

    Chief Daddy

    Title: Chief Daddy Tagline: Who's your daddy? Genre: Comedy, Drama Director: Niyi Akinmolayan Cast: Aiyeola Bisola, Dakore Egbuson, Funke Akindele, Zainab Balogun, Shaffy Bello-Akinrimisi, Chioma Omeruah, Ini Edo, Linda Ihuoma-Suleiman, Mawuli Gavor, Kate Henshaw-Nuttal, Richard...
  10. Parrot

    Nollywood actress, Funke Akindele declare support for her favourite Big Brother Naija housemate.

    Nollywood actress, Funke Akindele has taken to her official Instagram page to declare support for her favourite Big Brother Naija housemate. 24 hours after the male housemates were introduced and ushered into Big Brother Naija house, the organizers unveiled the female housemates namely; Angel...

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