odunlade adekola

  1. Naijafans

    Jagun Jagun: The Warrior

    Title: Jagun Jagun: The Warrior Genre: Action, Drama Director: Tope Adebayo, Adebayo Tijani Cast: Femi Adebayo, Lateef Adedimeji, Odunlade Adekola, Ibrahim Yekini Itele, Bukunmi Oluwashina, Adebayo Salami, Fathia Balogun, Yinka Quadri, Debo Adebayo, Adebowale Adedayo, Muyiwa Ademola...
  2. Naijafans


    Title: Orisa Genre: Drama Director: Odunlade Adekola Cast: Shaffy Bello, Binta Ayo Mogaji, Muyiwa Ademola, Bolaji Amusan, Dele Odule, Odunlade Adekola, Femi Adebayo Release: 2023-07-21 Plot: The Rogue King is coming!! Orisa Driven by a powerful Warrior, a village miscreant goes on...
  3. Naijafans

    Elesin Oba: The King's Horseman

    Title: Elesin Oba: The King's Horseman Genre: Drama Director: Biyi Bandele Cast: Odunlade Adekola, Shaffy Bello, Olawale-Brymo Olofooro, Deyemi Okanlawon, Omowunmi Dada, Jide Kosoko, Mark Elderkin, Jenny Stead, Langley Kirkwood, Fares Boulos, Kevin Ushi, Drikus Volschenk, Taiwo...
  4. Naijafans

    Dear Affy

    Title: Dear Affy Tagline: ...life happens Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance Director: Samuel Olatunji Cast: Kehinde Bankole, Enyinna Nwigwe, Teni Entertainer, Toyin Abraham, Chinedu Ikedieze, Williams Uchemba, Bimbo Ademoye, Odunlade Adekola, Bimbo Akintola, Jide Kosoko, Anto Lecky...
  5. Naijafans

    The Vendor

    Title: The Vendor Director: Odunlade Adekola Cast: Odunlade Adekola, Adunni Ade, Adewale Adebayo, Odunlade Adekola Release: 2018-09-07 Runtime: 102 Plot: A newspaper seller bemoans his lack of success but is undermined by his own laziness when he gets a better job as a driver and...
  6. Naijafans

    Alakada Reloaded

    Title: Alakada Reloaded Genre: Comedy, Drama Director: Toyin Abraham Cast: Toyin Abraham, Odunlade Adekola, Kehinde Bankole, Woli Arole, Nedu Wazobia, Helen Paul, Lilian Esoro, Annie Idibia, Lala Akindoju, Gabriel Afolayan Release: 2017-05-26 Plot: The film depicts a young girl...
  7. Naijafans

    Celebrity Marriage

    Title: Celebrity Marriage Tagline: Movie Genre: Drama, Romance Director: Pascal Amanfo Cast: Kanayo O. Kanayo, Tonto Dikeh, Jackie Appiah, Odunlade Adekola, Toyin Abraham Release: 2020 Runtime: 107 Plot: A celebrity with an abusive husband confides in friends who are dealing...
  8. Naijafans


    Title: Nimbe Genre: Drama, Action, Adventure, Fantasy Director: Tope Alake Cast: Doyin Abiola, Toyin Abraham, Odunlade Adekola, Bukola Beecroft-Shofola, Sani Musa Danja, Molawa Davis, Chimezie Imo, Gbenga Ojerinde, Racheal Okonkwo, Samuel A. Perry, Kelechi Udegbe Release: 2019-03-29...
  9. Naijafans

    Taxi Driver: Oko Ashewo

    Title: Taxi Driver: Oko Ashewo Tagline: A ride as exciting, shady and hilarious as Lagos at night! Genre: Comedy, Crime Director: Daniel Emeke Oriahi Cast: Odunlade Adekola, Ijeoma Grace Agu Release: 2015-11-13 Runtime: 100 Plot: A small-town mechanic turned chauffeur for...
  10. Naijafans

    King Of Thieves

    Title: King Of Thieves Genre: Action, Drama, Fantasy Director: Tope Adebayo, Adebayo Tijani Cast: Femi Adebayo, Odunlade Adekola, Toyin Abraham, Azeez adebowale, Lateef Adedimeji, Odunlade adekola, Toyosin adesanya, Testimony adetunji, Kazeem afolabi, Bosin Akinola, Wale Akorede, Bukky...
  11. Naijafans

    Omolangidi Latest Yoruba Movie 2022 Drama Starring Odunlade Adekola | Mosunmola Adeleye Yinka Quadri

    Grounded by powerful oracle divination by birth. Tanwa becomes an effigy and a thorn in the flesh in the community. Anyone who confronts her either good or bad have their fair share of her wrath. Her mystic act continues until a personality with potent powers surfaced with a mission. Find out...
  12. Delicious

    President Kuti Latest Yoruba Movie 2021

    President Kuti Latest Yoruba Movie 2021 Drama Starring Ibrahim Yekini | Bimpe Oyebade | Odunlade Adekola President Kuti, a lord of the street, highly feared and revered. He faces constant confrontation from rival gangs but maintains his supremacy. An attempt to clamp his wings, unlocks new level...
  13. Delicious

    Most popular nollywood faces of memes

    In Nigeria, some popular actors have crossed the threshold of filming and are now popular features in the Nigerian cyber space as they have become a part of the meme culture. Internet users now use their facial expressions in movies or snippets to make conversations livelier and more...

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