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Prior to Apply on Google Adsense. there are Some Google Adsense Policies or Guidelines Which We Follow for Adsense Approval.

1.Use AdSense Friendly Theme and Design

Prior to applying for Google AdSense you ensure that the topic you are utilizing on your blog or site is AdSense Or SEO Friendly

For this, utilization the correct Theme/Template in your blog which is responsive and portable well disposed. As well as utilizing a decent topic, it will likewise must be modified appropriately.

The majority of the new bloggers can't redo their topic well, because of which the plan of the blog isn't acceptable. Here is the List Of AdSense or SEO Friendly Best WordPress Theme

2.Create Important Pages for Blog

assuming you truly need to take AdSense Approval without a moment's delay apply, you need to make significant pages like Contact Us, About Us, Disclaimer, Terms and Condition, Privacy Policy in your blog and site.

To give you the correct data about your blog, on which subject the site is. Do enter your location in About Section

3.Site Domain Age

There are numerous Guidelines for Google AdSense. These guidelines additionally incorporate that assuming your blog is on Blogger, you need to apply following a half year and on the off chance that it is on WordPress, you can apply for AdSense for in any event over multi month.

However, My own Experience on the off chance that you Publish great Content Or Follow Google AdSense Guideline, you should Apply After 1 Month.

4.High-Quality Post Or Content

in the event that you are truly genuine about the blog, you should compose High-Quality posts or Content, Don't Use Copyrighted Content, Or Image. prior to Apply Approval, you should make your post Plagiarism free.

5.Do not Write Illegal Content

on the off chance that your Blog or Website is identified with Hacking, betting, Drugs, Or Adult substance on your site, and assuming you are reasonable, stay away from it.

Compose just great posts and substance ought to be identified with your blog. Something else, your record will be suspended from google.

6. Different Ads Network

On the off chance that you are additionally utilizing advertisements from other Ad networks like Popads, Bidvertiser, Chitika, at that point prior to applying for AdSense, eliminate those promotions from your blog.

AdSense permits some promotion projects to show advertisements with them and doesn't uphold some promotion organizations. Thus, eliminate all advertisements from your blog when you are applying for AdSense and until you get an answer from AdSense.

7. Stay away from Fake and Bot Traffic

This is the greatest misstep I have made and I will ask you not to commit this error by any means, neither before the endorsement of AdSense nor after it.

A many individuals send bot or paid traffic to their site to show that traffic goes to their blog however Google Adsense additionally tracks this thing effectively and when you apply your site for Adsense endorsement Google AdSense affectionately dismisses and sends it.

8.Language Support

AdSense doesn't uphold all dialects. In India, you can make a blog in English, Hindi, Bengali, Tamil, and Urdu and get it endorsed through AdSense. In any case, on the off chance that you start a blog in some other Indian language (Telugu, Marathi, Kannad, Gujarati, and so forth) at that point you won't get AdSense endorsement.

9.Write Unique or Original Content

Whatever article or post you compose ought to be unique and interesting implies that your substance has not been duplicated from anybody.

Most new bloggers duplicate substance from another blog and make another post so that Google effectively snatches it and doesn't favor those websites.

Alongside the first substance, the post ought to have legitimate headings and sub-headings, there ought not be language structure and spelling botches, the post ought to be valuable and enlightening.

10. Utilize Custom or TLD Domain

A ton of new bloggers are seen submitting this slip-up to date. Regardless of whether you use facilitating, yet utilizing the area. It can raise a ton of ruckus for you later on in the event that you are not kidding about writing for a blog and need to deal with it for quite a while. In spite of the fact that you can get AdSense Approval on the BlogSpot area too you won't get numerous advantages from it. With the assistance of a custom or TLD area.

On the off chance that you truly need to get AdSense endorsement and need to bring in cash from it, at that point you utilize a custom or TLD space as it were. It doesn't cost a lot,. Custom area enjoys numerous benefits or looks great, your odds of getting AdSense endorsement are expanded and simultaneously, it helps you in the positioning.

Simple AdSense Approval Tricks

on the off chance that you need to favor your AdSense Quickly, Follow these Points before Apply Google AdSense.

1). As a matter of first importance, there ought to be a significant page on your site.

2). At any rate 10 to 20 posts on your site!

3). Try not to utilize any protected Content or pictures.

4). Compose Unique or Original Content.

5). Use AdSense or SEO Friendly Theme.

6). Try not to Worry About Traffic. Just distribute great Content,

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New member
Local time
Today 4:40 AM
I THINK, it was such a nice written article, but uncompleted information. So if you really want to get adsense approval in first attempt then must apply this genuine adsense method on your blog or website i hope you will definitely try it
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