The sniffer dog help to fish our rape suspect



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The Vadodara district Local Crime Branch (LCB) in Gujarat, India has arrested six men for the alleged gangrape and murder of a 37-year-old woman few hours after her body was recovered from the fields where she worked as a labourer.

The mother of three children was gang raped by the suspects in a farm where she was cutting grass on the outskirts of Dethan village of Karjan taluka on the evening of August 16. The accused later strangled her to death fearing detection. The body was found around 9 pm by her family who were searching for her when she failed to return home.

Superintendent of Police, Vadodara, Sudhir Desai, on Wednesday, August 18, said that the body had visible signs of sexual assault and murder and therefore the police had begun a probe to investigate the rape and murder. The LCB brought in the sniffer dog, Java to track down the culprits.

Within 20 minutes the 18-month-old female Dobermann led cops right up to six criminals who allegedly raped and killed the woman.

"The sniffer dog trailed the smell from a water bottle found on the scene of the crime as well as the woman’s dupatta tied around her neck. Java led the investigators to a location about 700 meters away, and stopped near a temporary tent of a local settlement of suspects families. The police picked up the first suspect — a native of Uttar Pradesh, aged 22,” Desai said.

On questioning the suspect, he revealed to the police that five other men were involved in the crime and led them to the other accused.

“The accused had spotted the woman on Monday evening in the field, they have now confessed. They attacked and dragged her to a corner in the farm and took turns to rape her while the others pinned her down to the ground. When she began screaming for help, they gagged her by stuffing her dupatta in her mouth. Later, in order to cover up their crime, they took her dupatta and strangulated her to death,” Desai said.

Five of the six accused, aged 22, 21, 23, 19, and 19, hail from Uttar Pradesh while a 45-year-old accused, who is said to be the one who initiated the crime hails from Jharkhand. The accused have been booked under IPC section 302 (murder)

"We have first booked the case for murder but after the medical examination reports of the victim and the confession of the accused, it has been established that they subjected her to gangrape before murdering her, so we will also add section 376 of IPC for gangrape to the FIR now." Desai added.

Investigation revealed that the six accused had planned to target the woman when they saw her crossing the railway tracks to go to work on the farm. Sometime after 6.30 pm, after their work by the railway tracks was over, they attacked her, said cops.

''All six men held her hands and legs while they all took turns to rape her. Fearing that she will approach police, they decided to kill her and with such ferocity that while strangling her with a dupatta, they even snapped her spinal cord.'' investigators added

Meanwhile, Jawa’s handler, head constable Haresh Mohaniya was all praise for his dog.

"Her (Jawa’s) behaviour was unusual as she was constantly barking and walking around inside the tent. Our suspicion was strengthened when she chose only one among around five tents at the spot. I had trained her for a year before she was inducted into the squad. She is a quick learner and is especially sharp when it comes to investigation.” he said.

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