I Slept With My Late Sister’s husband. Yes, It Was A Mistake But It’s Difficult To Stop Now



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Today 1:56 AM
I didn’t know exactly how it started but I remember the sordid night of indulgence when the seed of concupiscence was sowed in my loafing heart and, lately, workshop of lust.Uncle Ben returned from work, holding a loaf of bread and a bottle of alcoholic bitters.Buying bread on his way home had become a daily routine for him. But the herbal mixture was unusual and he noticed my curiosity. ” I bought it on my way… I have been having waist pain for some time and a colleague recommended it for me ” Uncle Ben explained as he handed it over to me to check. I lifted the bottle, examined the label and read the text on it. Apart from treating waist pain, back ache, this particular mixture is also an aphrodisiac. It bore a grafted image of an erect penis among other graffiti. I wondered why he would need such a stimulant when he didn’t have a wife with him.

Uncle Ben was married to my immediate elder sister, Christy who died three years ago. They were based in Abeokuta, Ogun State. Two months ago, he was transferred to Lagos and had been squatting in my small apartment.I’m far from being comfortable. Estranged and separated from my husband, I live with my two children, in a self-contained room and parlour in Yaba. I couldn’t say no when Uncle Ben informed me about his transfer and the need to stay with me for some time before renting his own house. He is a good man. He was a caring husband to my late sister and the best in-law to our parents.And as for me, I relate with him like my elder brother. Highly intelligent and jovial, Uncle Ben is also very humble. He sleeps in the living room while the children and I sleep in my room. We had spent the last two months together as a family until the fateful night of lustful entrapment.

He sat focussed on the TV as he quietly sipped the alcoholic bitters from a ceramic cup. I led the children into inner chamber. We went to sleep, leaving him to enjoy his drink.I woke up around midnight, just to use the toilet. To my utter chagrin, the lights and the TV were still on. But I could hear the snore like a groan.I stepped into the sitting room with a view to switching off everything Uncle Ben left on. I was confronted with a lewd spectacle.

He laid on his back, bare and in deep slumber. His manhood, huge and firm, stood erect. For a moment, I was transfixed starring, wondering and admiring the monstrous size of his cock. He is indeed endowed.

Stalky, muscular and ropy, Uncle Ben has a rare gift beneath his thighs. In all my past relationships, I have only come across something like this once. That was shortly before I got married.

Oh my God! John was a walking danger. On our first date, he took me to a hotel for treat. He had also booked a room for an overnight stay. We frolicked at the hotel’s poolside bar where we drank Chapman and ate salmon fish garnished with baked beans, green pepper, lettuce and shredded garbage.

By the time we finally went in to sleep, John undressed me ribaldly; hugged my boobs before unhooking the bra, pawed my pussy before pulling off my pants and nuzzle my navel before taking off his boxers. I felt the weight of his dick at the flange of my cunt as he tried to penetrate. I screamed continuously as I felt his thrusts in my intestines. To worsen my woes, he kept jabbing without break for almost one hour. I was wrecked.

But I couldn’t afford to spend the night with him. I feared I may not survive the fury of his king size manhood.The memory of the date with John came back as I brought out a duvet from the room and covered Uncle Ben’s rapacious bulge.I went back to bed but I couldn’t sleep. I closed my eyes, yet I was still seeing Uncle Ben’s stringy cock. I rolled back and forth till I finally dozed off.

At daybreak, I prepared the children for school and their shuttle bus came for them. All this while, my brother in law was still snoring. He remained a captive of the alcoholic drink.I , too, was still drowsy and randy. I was practically struggling to walk straight as I was feeling an imaginary thrusts in my pussy. I managed to lock the door and sauntered back to my room.

Then, the costly mistake occurred. Like someone suddenly spurred by a spell, I went back to the living room, woke my brother-in-law and asked him to go inside the room to continue his sleep. He obeyed without hesitation.<br>Now on my bed, I laid beside him though at the other edge. Strangely, again, I stretched my hand to his thighs, subtly unfurled the duvet, and stroked his veined manhood.

Instantly, Uncle Ben leapt over with passion. He found me buck naked and squirting. Pronto, he pushed in his dick. I moaned loudly as I spurted fluids in torrents.

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Well-known member
Local time
Today 1:56 AM
You have tasted her forbidden fruit and you don't want to stop hmm, only if you ready for what might be next. 😲 😱 😲 stop before its too late

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