My marriage is about to crumble as my husband secured a job through my ex boyfriend



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The heat that often filled our bedroom was a constant reminder of how close our apartment was to a bakery’s furnace. The bakery had been abandoned when we moved in and even if it wasn’t, the thought of having a place to lay our heads was enough to consider the one-windowed room and palour apartment at the time.It was a favour from an old uncle of my husband who gave us shelter after we fled our home during an attack on our community. We left in a haste not taking a pin of our possessions. Being alive was simply enough!

After we arrived Ibadan, we submitted applications almost everywhere but none was forth coming. We eventually gave in to menial jobs just to survive. So when our Landlord- my husband’s old uncle decided to lease out the bakery it was joy for us because we saw it as an opportunity for a stable income.

On my way to the market one faithful Friday evening, I had screams and and shouts ‘ssh’, ‘eehhhs’… I ignored since my name wasn’t mentioned. “Aunty” said a young lad that ran up to stop me. As I turned, jogging towards me was a lanky, 6 foot, clean-shaven, beard-gang dude. He was wearing a grey-colored three piece suit that fitted so perfectly on him as though it was carved. When he got to me I was stunned- the handsome dude was Jade, my ex boyfriend.

Jade and I dated for three semesters in the University, he was the most handsome guy in the whole of the faculty of Arts, he speaks with a dignifying English accent, he is well built; his abs are simply a wonder to the eyes, a fashionista; he often set the pace of fashion trends in the whole of the school. When we were in 300 level he contested and won the Most delectable student of the year. Jade is as good to the eyes as he is in bed. Every sex escapade we had was a different experience.

After exchanging pleasantries, he motioned for us to get into his car and drove to a nereby lounge. After talking and reminiscing on the past for about an hour he gave me his card and made me promise to visit him the next day. As I strode the path to my home, I pondered on the possibility of Jade helping my husband to secure a decent job, as a business analyst, I knew Jade could help, giving his position at the famous Telecommunications company. I couldn’t wait to give the good news to my husband. When I got home I explained everything that happened and told him about the following day’s appointment.

At exactly 11:15am I arrived at the address, it was a 5 star hotel in the heart of the largest city in west africa. In no time the courteous receptionist directed me to the room I was going to. After settling in Jade promised to help my husband, infact he made a few calls and wrote a note immediately for him to present to the Managing director of AFG Bank. I thanked him and attempted to leave.

Jade caught my hand and made me seat on his laps, it was as though I sat on a pillar, I could feel his turgid dick shooting through his shorts, he begged me to spend some more time, I reluctantly reminded him I was married and should head home. Before I could finish speaking he planted a kiss on my lips and began to handle my breasts, he unzipped my short gown with one hand and unhooked my bra with the other and I began to moan softly just like our university days.
He carried me and laid me on the bed, spreading my legs wide to reveal my sweet wet pussy, giving it a soft tap and rub, he dived in with his tongue, I moaned even loudly, squirting my cream all over his moustache, I felt the fullness of his dick inside of me

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